Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Heroes Of Newerth Legionnaire

Legionnaire is one of the strongest tanks/ initiators / junglers in the game. And also has one of the coolest Alt Avatar in the game "Lumberjack Legio", with the addition of this limited edition "Executioner Legionnaire" its just becomes over-awesome!

As I would like to make a small note, some times(most of them) is not advisable to pop up Barbered Armor as soon as you PK in and use Taunt, it may not be advisable because of all the armor bonus.. but well it all depends on the amount of armor you have put on Legionnaire. Remember that Taunt gives your a 20 armor bonus on level 4, and that Barbed Armor reflects 80% of received damage, if u receive 300 damage and your have already 20 armor you get 20 from taunt that makes 40 Armor, that represents a total of 70.6% Damage Reduction. So out of the 300 damage you only "get"  ~30% that is 90 Damage. Barbered Armor reflects 80% of those 90 damage that is 72 damage that then goes trow your enemy Magic Armor, lets say he has 10 Magic armor that gives a damage reduction of 37,5% so he only gets  45 damage at the end.. Not bad but if you use it after the taunt armor goes off you can get up 20% more damage back, of course you also receive 20% more damage but well unless those 45x3 or x4 kills the enemy you will be getting those additional 20% damage anyway..

Today while talking to my viewers on stream I noticed that most of them have no clue about how Armor works, about how much 1 armor will give you on Damage Reduction.. so tomorrow if i have the time i will make a quit tutorial about how the armor works and how important it is on tanks and over all heroes.

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