Friday, May 20, 2011

Martyr Hero Guide - HON Tutorial - Heroes of Newerth

S2Games provided on their YouTube Channel a really nice Martyr Hero Spotlight where you have knowledge of what Martyr can do( for sure she can do a lot!) and how to play him.

In this Martyr Hero Guide you will see what skills this hero has. So if you wonder how to play her or how her skills work, watch this video.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Hon hero roles - Defenition and meaning

Pusher: A hero that specializes in taking down towers quickly and destroying buildings. They also can be good at killing creep waves quickly.
Ganker: A hero that moves from lane to lane trying to kill heroes for monetary gain as well as ruining that players income. A good ganker can continue to kill a carry to prevent them gaining money and carrying their team. A ganker normally succeeds due to massive burst damage or exceptionally strong disables
Hard/Carry: A hero that scales well with items that has the potential to deal massive DPS that can easily be used to kill several players in a 2v1 or even 3v1 or higher late game. They are generally very fragile. This means they normally farm as much as possible so they become very strong lategame (Think Twitch). They generally have spells that suck early making them very weak in the laning phase, there are exceptions.
Semi Carry: A hero somewhere between a ganker and a carry. They can gank and move around the map. They dont really have scaling skills but their ability to dominate early means they can quickly rake in large amounts of money to get an item advantage.
Support: The players with heals, utility and other helpful doodads. Dont really lump in any damage but make up for it with other uses
Intiator: This is what LoL would call a tank. In HoN the term tank is generally laughed at because nobody will target a hero that has no threat after walking in, because of this HoN initiators are not necessarily tanky but generally have exceptional AoE damage or disables so they can set up brilliant team victories. The video is of tempest (very squishy) flashing in and slowly dragging them into a black-hole at his feet to disable them. His team, then spams their AoE and wins the fight easily. In LoL as spells are a lot weaker per cast and champions are a lot harder to kill, having a tanky hero walk in to sight and initiate is a lot more viable.
Roamer: A hero that ganks from level 1. They generally avoid staying in a lane and hop around the map setting up kills. This is an exceptionally hard role to play and is only seen at the pinnacle of top games.
Jungler: The neutrals in HoN are badass and without the use of smite means that 90% of the pool are unable to neut. Jungling is also a less favorable start because 2v1 laning in HoN means that you have 2 people attempting to deny you and kill you. Also i will note here there is no dragon, golem, lizard, baron buff. Neutrals are just killed for the money.
Babysitter: There job is to lane with a hardcarry, get 0 creeps, spend the whole game warding. They end the game with a negative score more often than not, but provide safe farm for the hardcarry who then steamrolls the opposition. The least selfish role which all the attractive people play.
Anti-Carry: I am sure i will cop some flak for writing this one, but still. An Anti-carry is a hero that can shutdown a carry even though they are at their prime. They normally end up being played like carries because they revolve around bash/stun mechanics. The best example is chronos, who has a very medi-ocre DPS but because of his bash can beat much harder carries in a 1v1.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Flux Hero Guide - HON Tutorial - Heroes of Newerth

Will release the guide and information as soon as it comes out.

So far the the only thing we know about Flux(the new hon hero going to be released next Friday) is that it is a Ranged Strength hero.

The hero Spotlight: