Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Berzerker - Hero Guide - HON Tutorial - Heroes of Newerth

S2Games provided on their YouTube Channel a really nice Berzerker Hero Spotlight where you have knowledge of what Berzerker can do( for sure he can do a lot!) and how to play him.

In this Berzerker HON Guide you will see what skills this hero has. So if you wonder how to play him or how the skills work, watch this video.

Berzerker arrives to Newerth from the frozen tundras of the north. He's a melee strength hero with a skillset aimed at slaughtering enemies and creating havok. An arsenal of heavy physical-based abilities helps him tear through the weaker opponents on the field.

Great items to start with are Chalice and Steamboots. Ghost Marchers may be picked up instead, if the mobility is needed, but since Mark For Death grants unit walking, it may not wise in every situation. Helm of the Black Legion is a great pickup for early game item boosts, as it grants heavy defensive abilities, and increases Berzerker's maximum health, which enables him to deal much more damage with Carnage. Insanitarius should be a core item as well, as it synergizes with all of his abilities perfectly. Shieldbreaker does provide a huge damage boost, as Berzerker's abilities are physical, however, his own damage and health is increased more with an Icebrand instead, which also allows him to chase down enemies much easier. End-game items should revolve around high damage output while still wielding defensive bonuses, such as Daemonic Breastplate and Behemoth's Heart.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Gravekeeper - Hero Guide - HON Tutorial - Heroes of Newerth

S2Games provided on their YouTube Channel a really nice Gravekeeper Hero Spotlight where you have knowledge of what Gravekeeper can do( for sure she can do a lot!) and how to play him.

In this Gravekeeper HON Guide you will see what skills this hero has. So if you wonder how to play him or how the skills work, watch this video.

Gravekeeper is an intelligence hero with a ranged attack. His abilities all revolve around death, and slinging corpses around a fight. He deals primarily magical damage, with Corpse Toss, Corpse Explosion, and the bursting zombies from Zombie Apocalypse. Items that benefit his defenses and magical damage at once are the best. Grave Locket, Power Supply, and Steam Boots are all wise pick ups. One could opt for Ghost Marchers, which allows much better harassing and kiting with Corpse Toss/Defiling Touch, but it's a trade for less survivability. Tablet of Command and Nullstone are great defensive items, one providing escape and the other providing health and spell nullifying, and both benefitting his Mana pool. End-game items like Hellflower, Kuldra's, and Frostfield Plate all benefit Gravekeeper and help him stay alive longer. Spellshards would increase the damage on a few abilities, but since it won't affect Zombie Apocalypse and Corpse Toss uses charges/Defiling Touch is passive, the cooldown reduction is not useful. Stormspirit would increase Gravekeeper's mana regeneration and grant survivability, as well, but may be opted out for other, more powerful items.