Sunday, March 20, 2011

Defiler Hero Guide - HON Tutorial - Heroes of Newerth

If you played DotA and remember Death Prophet, you should have an idea how to play Defiler in HoN . Defiler is an easy hero to counter(with Shrunken Head) at late middle game, but in the other hand it is one of the best pushers and "tower killers"  in the game so that all your chances and push towers as son as you get your ulti. This Defiler tutorial should give you the basics of how to play this hero.

Defiler is a great yearly/mid game hero with an amazing AOE ultimate that gives you the abylity to take towers really fast at low levels but at end game she is only usefull if you take a good item build a because of his silence, a good item build is what i  call a semi-tank/disabler so it is important that you manage to a lot of towers since you will need the gold. Defiler can mid since she has a awesome harraz but most of the times you will have better options for mid on your team and Defiler  can take any lane easy.

Wave of Dead

Activation [Q]
Target Position - Enemy Units
Type: Magic
Range: 600
Mana Cost: 105/120/140/165
Cooldown 9 secondsDeals 100/175/250/300 Magic Damage to each target in a cone.
Notes: Early game, this skill is great for harassing/lasthitting, as it has low cooldown, and due to your good Intelligence gain, with a Bottle and Chalice, you will always have mana for this. Midgame, the 5 second cooldown makes this skill deal pretty good damage to enemies, also providing you good farm. Late game this skill loses its power, as it deals almost no damage to heroes(magic armor).
Note: The cast range of this spell is 600, but it flies as long as 1210 range

Grave Silence

Activation [W]
Target Position - Enemy Units
Type: Magic
Range: 900
Radius: 200/275/350/350
Mana Cost: 80/70/60/50Cooldown: 14 seconds< Applies Grave Silence to targets in radius for 3/4/5/6 seconds. Grave Silence Effects

Notes:Early game, this isn't too useful, as you can't max this skill or you lack movement speed and damage, one point can however mean difference between life and death for yourself, or your enemy. Mid game, this skill becomes very useful, as your enemies can't do anything after you put this on and rush in. Lategame, the huge radius of this spell, and the 6 second silence, makes every hero without an item to dispel this, to be practically useless in teamfights.
Note: Low cooldown makes this spammable mid to late game.

Power in Death
Increases Movement Speed by 2.5/5/7.5/10%
Wave of Death:
Decreases cooldown by 1/2/3/4 second(s)
Reduces Mana cost by 5/10/15/20
Grave Silence:
Decreases cooldown by 0/1/2/3 second(s)
Unholy Expulsion:
Adds 1/2/3/4 spirits to level 1 Unholy Expulsion
Adds 1/3/4/6 spirits to level 2 Unholy Expulsion
Adds 0/2/4/7 spirits to level 3 Unholy Expulsion
Unholy Explosion
Activation [R]
Type: Superior Magic
Mana cost: 200/300/400
Cooldown: 100 seconds
Spawns several spirits for 30 seconds that will attack nearby enemies, or will attack one target if you attack that target directly. Upon completion, the spirits will return to you and heal you for 25% of the damage they dealt.
 Notes:This skill is what makes Defiler a beast in pushing, and deal devastating DPS. Early game, its great for pushing the first tier towers, and killing anybody who dares to challenge you. Same goes for mid game, except second tier towers, and it begins to deal huge damage in teamfights. As for lategame, the spirits are great for pushing raxxes, and for teamfights.
-They are very good for destroying gadgets (e.g. Arachna's Spiderling, Pollywog's Wards, Slither's Wards, Engineer's Ultimate, Engineer's Turret, Bombardier's Bomb (when grounded),...)
-If a enemy hero has Barbed Armor activated, and your ultimate hits him/her, you lose the reflected damage from your HP
The spirits:
-43-48 Physical Damage
-2 second attack cooldown
-400 Movespeed
-720 Turnrate
-600 aggrorange (automatically attack units in this range)
-Attack Range of 10
-They follow you after TP
-Chase for 2000 range, if they go any further from the Defiler, they will be teleported next to her
-Heal for 25% of the damage they've done when the 30 second has gone past.

Skill Build

1. Wave of Death
2. Grave Silence
3. Wave of Death
4. Power in Death
5. Wave of Death
6. Unholy Expulsion
7. Wave of Death*
8. Power in Death
9. Power in Death
10. Power in Death*
11. Unholy Expulsion
12. Grave Silence
13. Grave Silence
14. Grave Silence*
15. Attribute Bonus
16. Unholy Expulsion*
17. Attribute Bonus
18. Attribute Bonus
19. Attribute Bonus
20. Attribute Bonus
21. Attribute Bonus
22. Attribute Bonus
23. Attribute Bonus
24. Attribute Bonus
25. Attribute Bonus*
* Means that the ability is at its maximum skill level

will do the item build asap