Friday, August 24, 2012
Heroes of Newerth 2.6.16 Patch Notes
I will no longer post the Changelog on my website(#), you can check it in game or on the Newerth official forum, from now on I will only comment on the changes. First of all congratulations to S2 for Envy (Parasite Alt avatar), the game mechanics are stunning!
On this patch i would like to highlight The "Iron Rage" bundle, the Magebane and Flux alt avatars are awesome and you can get them with a 20% discount with this pack, Deadwood also got a new avatar "Icy Deadwood" but this will only be released on the 27th August together with the second deadly sin "Sloth" an alt avatar for Armadon.
As far as Hero changes, Bombardier was buffed, so as Magmus attach damage. But the most important change is that now Kraken Ultimate also stuns magic immune units.
Wen it comes to items, only Post Haste was reworked. You can no longer Teleport to allied pets. Sad we can't use Booboo as a port point.
(#)As some of you know and you may have noticed by the lack of adds, HonGuideIt current ad provider(adsense) has declared that HonGuideIt lacks unique and Original Content. I'm trying to fix thisproblem so I'm avoiding any kind of Copy Past from the HoN's Forum and news.
Oogie preview
Next week S2 will be releasing Oogie, an intelligence melee carry (finally!), so far there is few information about the hero and of course testers are now allowed to reveal more(Sorry).
As far as I can say is damage stacks with mana :)
Other things I can tell you are the names of Oogie abilities:
Tar Quake;
Kindled Fury;
Primal Surge;
More things i can talk about are the speculations about his abilities, "more damage has less mana he has", "more mana and damage as more trees are around", "extreme low mana/coldown ultimate that gives damage", "passive ultimate that gives damage acording to your mana pool"... and it goes on and on.
You will need to wait for the spotlight. But I'm sure all carry style players will love it. Oogie + Hellflower = OP.
Saturday, August 18, 2012
DDOS Vs Fanatic.Raidcall
What a game so far.. DDOS dropping top raxes at the 20 min mark, but [FNTC]Era with his Magebane is just farming like crazy..
Follow the HoNcast at
Well even tough era is on the 350 gpm it is over, DDOS just got bot raxes. Awesome warding job by [DDOS]getviolator. When you ally proper offensive warding with Nynfora's ultimate you simply dominate the game.
GG's dropped at 22 minute, great aggressive plays by DDOS. And those wondering how do you win Vs [FNTC]Era on Magebane, well that is how, aggressive pushing team.
DDOS 1 Vs Fanatic.RaidCall 0
It is a best of 3 so stay tuned to the HonCast ;)
And 2 - 0 for DDOS, Fanatic.RaidCall just gave up on that second game, it is sad so see a Rage Quit at this Level.. [FNTC]Notail, shame on you..
Follow the HoNcast at
Well even tough era is on the 350 gpm it is over, DDOS just got bot raxes. Awesome warding job by [DDOS]getviolator. When you ally proper offensive warding with Nynfora's ultimate you simply dominate the game.
GG's dropped at 22 minute, great aggressive plays by DDOS. And those wondering how do you win Vs [FNTC]Era on Magebane, well that is how, aggressive pushing team.
DDOS 1 Vs Fanatic.RaidCall 0
It is a best of 3 so stay tuned to the HonCast ;)
And 2 - 0 for DDOS, Fanatic.RaidCall just gave up on that second game, it is sad so see a Rage Quit at this Level.. [FNTC]Notail, shame on you..
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
Heroes Of Newerth Legionnaire
Legionnaire is one of the strongest tanks/ initiators / junglers in the game. And also has one of the coolest Alt Avatar in the game "Lumberjack Legio", with the addition of this limited edition "Executioner Legionnaire" its just becomes over-awesome!
As I would like to make a small note, some times(most of them) is not advisable to pop up Barbered Armor as soon as you PK in and use Taunt, it may not be advisable because of all the armor bonus.. but well it all depends on the amount of armor you have put on Legionnaire. Remember that Taunt gives your a 20 armor bonus on level 4, and that Barbed Armor reflects 80% of received damage, if u receive 300 damage and your have already 20 armor you get 20 from taunt that makes 40 Armor, that represents a total of 70.6% Damage Reduction. So out of the 300 damage you only "get" ~30% that is 90 Damage. Barbered Armor reflects 80% of those 90 damage that is 72 damage that then goes trow your enemy Magic Armor, lets say he has 10 Magic armor that gives a damage reduction of 37,5% so he only gets 45 damage at the end.. Not bad but if you use it after the taunt armor goes off you can get up 20% more damage back, of course you also receive 20% more damage but well unless those 45x3 or x4 kills the enemy you will be getting those additional 20% damage anyway..
Today while talking to my viewers on stream I noticed that most of them have no clue about how Armor works, about how much 1 armor will give you on Damage Reduction.. so tomorrow if i have the time i will make a quit tutorial about how the armor works and how important it is on tanks and over all heroes.
HoN Rally Guide
I found this Rally guide, it is made by Raawrr, the voice is not the best but he goes "all over" the hero, explaining how the skills work, how they synergize, what items to pick, and of course the skills level up order to get the best outcome from Rally.
You don't really need to see all the 15 minutes of the video since the last 5 minutes are some game-plays where you can really see Rally on action (not awesome moves, but well the dude only played Rally for half a day so well.. could be worse).
You don't really need to see all the 15 minutes of the video since the last 5 minutes are some game-plays where you can really see Rally on action (not awesome moves, but well the dude only played Rally for half a day so well.. could be worse).
Saturday, August 11, 2012
Smite Beta Keys- Giveaway
That is right we have 3 SMITE Closed Beta Keys to Give away!
Two of them will be given to HonGuideIt Facebook Fans, and one to the most creative "slogan" for HonGuideIt (place it as comment on this page). The winners will be chosen randomly between all facebook fans on 16th August on the end of the day same goes for the best comment.
So like the Facebook page, and set your creativity free! You may join me in some action at this amazing new game ;)
Friday, August 10, 2012
Heroes of Newerth 2.6.14 Patch changes
== New Content ==
- Added a new Valkyrie Alt Avatar: Headhunter Valk
- Added a new Devourer Alt Avatar: Shibo Shinobi
* Released on August 13
- Added New Courier: Hamster Courier
- Added New Tempest Skin: Phantom Tempest
* Released on August 15
- We are introducing a third option for avatars: Skins!
* This new non-premium avatar option will be available at a reduced Gold and Silver cost from the outset!
== General ==
- Lock Pick has been re-enabled as a matchmaking option and should work correctly
- Added new voices for Artesia and Arcannis
- Fixed the buttons for First Pick in Banning Draft and Lock Pick
- Fixed slots being exceeded in public games
- Video driver restarts are now handled correctly
- Fixed skill being still active when you hit the button and then issue an order afterwards
- Increased texture slots, fixes textures sometimes not loading
== Item Balance ==
Blood Chalice
- +50% Mana Regeneration added
- Mana gained decreased from 100 to 85
== Hero Balance ==
- Strength gain increased from 2 to 2.5
Drunken Master - Finally Drunken master will be back on the competitive scene..
- Drink : Charges gained increased from 3/6/9/12 to 4/7/10/13
- Drink : Charges expire time increased from 3 seconds to 4 seconds
- Stagger : Movement Speed and Attack Damage bonus increased from 15/30/45/60 to 30/40/50/60
- Spider Mines : Cooldown decreased from 7 seconds to 3.5 seconds
- Sol's Conviction : Amount healed increased from 20/30/40/50% to 35/40/45/50%
- Starting Intelligence increased from 15 to 16
- Toxin Wards : Vision increased from 600 to 650.
- Poison Burst : Mana cost decreased from 200/300/400 to 175/275/375
- Soul Burst : Damage is now based off number of souls; 20/30/40 per soul + 150/225/300 static damage within 100 range
* Damage decreases linearly to 0 at max distance. Snare and damage reduction apply with the damage now instead of separately
Latter on i will explain how does the Soulstealer Ultimate works now and the "why" behind the alteration.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
Trench Warfare
Trench Warfare is the latest mid wars tournament(up to 256 teams) sponsored by Logitech and Beyond Gaming. And there are some pretty nice prizes: Cash, Gear, and gold coins.
You can register from 08 August until 15 August in the Beyound Gaming website.
As for the play dates:
- Round of 256/128 : August 18
- Round of 64/32 : August 19
- Round of 16/8 : August 25
- Round of 4/2 : August 26
1st Prize $400 + 10,000 Gold Coins 5 G930 Headsets (Valued at $159.99) 5 G700 Mice (Valued at $99.99) 5 G19s Keyboards (Valued at $199.99) Total value: Over $860;
2nd Prize $250 + 5,000 Gold Coins 5 G35 Headsets (Valued at $129.99) 5 G500 Mice (Valued at $69.99) 5 G510 Keyboards (Valued at $119.99) Total value: Over $570;
3rd Prize $150 + 3,000 Gold Coins 5 G330 Headsets (Valued at $49.99) 5 G400 Mice (Valued at $49.99) 5 G110 Keyboards (Valued at $79.99) Total value: Over $330;
4th Prize 1,500 Gold Coins 5 G400 Mice (Valued at $49.99) Total value: Over $50;
Take your chance ;)
Sunday, August 5, 2012
Vodafone melt down
Guys my vodafone sim card just stoped working. I have already requested a new micro-sim, so for the next 3~5 days all you guys that have already paid for TMM with me just send me your schedules to the same email as the paypal account.
Sorry bout that =/
Sorry bout that =/
Friday, August 3, 2012
HoNGuideIt is growing!
A few months ago I relaunched my blog, gave it a new/cooler name (HoNGuideIt is pretty badass) , bought the domain and dedicated more of my time to it(not much because of University exams).
The truth is that I was not playing enough attention to all my followers, it is hard to manage my time between, University course (Computing engineering), part-time job, gaming Stream and my blogs.
But since i made the changes to the blog I noticed a daily traffic up-grow of almost 2000 page views, the standings now are at 4000+ page views a day. I know that this would not be possible without my stream fans and gaming mates, and I'm thankfull for that. With the upgrowing traffic the revenues of my blog and stream have also increase leading me to give even more attention to the blog and stream. Since I'm on University sumer break, and i only have 2 finals/exams on September (requiring only a couple study hours a day) i will dedicate even more time (between study, streaming and my part-time job) to the blog. If the revenue becomes "interesting" i may even consider University + Streaming + HoNGuideIt but i wont dream so high for now.
Anyway, congratulations to HoNGuideIt, that has already passed the 250 000 pageviews mark! A really huge Thanks to all of you!
I'm back to my studies, so I'm sorry no more streaming for today ;)
The truth is that I was not playing enough attention to all my followers, it is hard to manage my time between, University course (Computing engineering), part-time job, gaming Stream and my blogs.
But since i made the changes to the blog I noticed a daily traffic up-grow of almost 2000 page views, the standings now are at 4000+ page views a day. I know that this would not be possible without my stream fans and gaming mates, and I'm thankfull for that. With the upgrowing traffic the revenues of my blog and stream have also increase leading me to give even more attention to the blog and stream. Since I'm on University sumer break, and i only have 2 finals/exams on September (requiring only a couple study hours a day) i will dedicate even more time (between study, streaming and my part-time job) to the blog. If the revenue becomes "interesting" i may even consider University + Streaming + HoNGuideIt but i wont dream so high for now.
Anyway, congratulations to HoNGuideIt, that has already passed the 250 000 pageviews mark! A really huge Thanks to all of you!
I'm back to my studies, so I'm sorry no more streaming for today ;)
Heroes of Newerth 2.6.13 Patch changes
Change log
New Content:
- Early Access Hero: Rally;
- Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar: Warlord Rally;
- Premium Rally Alt Avatar: Joan D'Rally;
- Salforis Alt Avatar: Lord Thanatos;
- Limited Edition Jurassic Warden has returned to Newerth for one week!
- Pets are now deleted when the owner terminates;
- Items that drop on death always lose ownership, even when dropping off a pet;
- Fixed possible editor lockup when editing water.
Optimizations & Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the courier from being pulled or pushed by abilities when immune;
- Removed the animation from Genjuro so it does not stop any current channeling animations;
- Fixed Harkon's Blade interaction so that the slow state of Genjuro will properly apply if you attack out of Genjuro's stealth state with Harkon's toggled on;
- Fixed the reset effect making the dead hero glow for a split second when Null Stone goes off of cooldown;
- Arachna: Fixed Spiderling so that it won't die if Arachna dies while the Spiderling is in midair;
- Chronos: Fixed Chronofield so that units properly play their idle animation after it expires;
- Empath: Fixed Homecoming Stone/ Post Haste so it won't immediately cancel if Empath uses it while in her " As One " state;
- Nomad: Fixed Edge Counter so that it plays the correct animations for each respective alt;
- Pebbles: Fixed Enlarge from playing the rock skin shed animation when he is invisible;
- Pharaoh: Fixed an exploit with Wrath of the Pharaoh and Staff of the Master. You can no longer cast Wrath of the Pharaoh, pick up Staff of the Master (or get a courier/friend's hero to deliver it to you) and then use the secondary ultimate skill (hotkey "D") immediately after. The cooldowns will now be properly shared.;
- Silhouette: Fixed White Lotus Silhouette's Sky Dance animation so that it uses the alt's model instead of the originals model
So over all it is a pretty standard Change-log with some minor bugs fixed. The great news here is the new Vector Entity mechanism implemented for Rally first ability - Compel. Hope they use it on some new features in the near future, a new item in the like of Tablet of Command (maybe an upgrade for it) would be nice. But I'm quite sure the next new hero will have some ability using this new system. Lets wait a couple of weeks to see ;)
New Content:
- Early Access Hero: Rally;
- Limited Edition Early Access Alt Avatar: Warlord Rally;
- Premium Rally Alt Avatar: Joan D'Rally;
- Salforis Alt Avatar: Lord Thanatos;
- Limited Edition Jurassic Warden has returned to Newerth for one week!
- Pets are now deleted when the owner terminates;
- Items that drop on death always lose ownership, even when dropping off a pet;
- Fixed possible editor lockup when editing water.
Optimizations & Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the courier from being pulled or pushed by abilities when immune;
- Removed the animation from Genjuro so it does not stop any current channeling animations;
- Fixed Harkon's Blade interaction so that the slow state of Genjuro will properly apply if you attack out of Genjuro's stealth state with Harkon's toggled on;
- Fixed the reset effect making the dead hero glow for a split second when Null Stone goes off of cooldown;
- Arachna: Fixed Spiderling so that it won't die if Arachna dies while the Spiderling is in midair;
- Chronos: Fixed Chronofield so that units properly play their idle animation after it expires;
- Empath: Fixed Homecoming Stone/ Post Haste so it won't immediately cancel if Empath uses it while in her " As One " state;
- Nomad: Fixed Edge Counter so that it plays the correct animations for each respective alt;
- Pebbles: Fixed Enlarge from playing the rock skin shed animation when he is invisible;
- Pharaoh: Fixed an exploit with Wrath of the Pharaoh and Staff of the Master. You can no longer cast Wrath of the Pharaoh, pick up Staff of the Master (or get a courier/friend's hero to deliver it to you) and then use the secondary ultimate skill (hotkey "D") immediately after. The cooldowns will now be properly shared.;
- Silhouette: Fixed White Lotus Silhouette's Sky Dance animation so that it uses the alt's model instead of the originals model
So over all it is a pretty standard Change-log with some minor bugs fixed. The great news here is the new Vector Entity mechanism implemented for Rally first ability - Compel. Hope they use it on some new features in the near future, a new item in the like of Tablet of Command (maybe an upgrade for it) would be nice. But I'm quite sure the next new hero will have some ability using this new system. Lets wait a couple of weeks to see ;)
Rally HoN Spotlight
Well I'm divided.. By watching the spotlight and if we think a bit about the hero's abilities, it looks OP, i would go further, and say it YELLS OP. But the truth is that it only has a 32 win rate so far, and believe me this is not normal! Any new hero has 60% + win rate on the 1st few days.
I didn't bought the early access, but I have played with a Rally on the team, we laned top (i was playing Pyro) and we pubstumped a Moraxus Pupet lane.. the new Vector Entity mechanism is pretty fun to play/play with. I really can't understand why there is such a low win rate on him.. lets see if it grows on the next few days..
I didn't bought the early access, but I have played with a Rally on the team, we laned top (i was playing Pyro) and we pubstumped a Moraxus Pupet lane.. the new Vector Entity mechanism is pretty fun to play/play with. I really can't understand why there is such a low win rate on him.. lets see if it grows on the next few days..
Thursday, August 2, 2012
Heroes of Newerth 2.6.12 Patch changes
== New Content ==
- Added new Silhouette Alt Avatar: Master Assassin Silhouette
- Added new Ravenor Alt Avatar: Storm Demon Ravenor
- Added new Bundle: Shadow Pack
* Get both Master Assassin Silhouette and Storm Demon Ravenor at a discount before release on Tuesday
== General ==
- Trees now sway with the wind
* Zephyr tested and approved!
- The skybox is now correctly reflecting off the water
* This can be disabled/enabled in the options menu
- Herodex simple view has been updated
- Witch Hunter now correctly gains the bonus from Staff of the Master
== Item Balance ==
- Regeneration lowered from 5 to 4.5
== Hero Balance ==
- Quicken : Cast time reduced from 0.3 to 0.2
- Pilfering : Clearvision now lingers for the entire duration of a target being slowed
- Pilfering : Increased the Movement Speed draining from 10/20/30/40 to 15/25/35/45
- Lightning Shackles : Increased the radius from 200/300/400 to 300/350/400
- Vampiric Flight : Lowered cooldown from 22/18/14/10 to 16/14/12/10
- Terrorize : Reduced cast time from .3 to .25
Moon Queen
- Moon Beam : Stun has been increased from 0.6 to 1
- Disarm : Cooldown decreased from 20/16/12/8 to 14/12/10/8
- Disarm : Critical strike increased from 1.25/1.5/1.75/2.0x to 1.4/1.6/1.8/2.0x
The Dark Lady
- Dark Blades : Base Damage % reduced from 50/60/70/80 to 35/50/65/80
- Taint Soul : Increased Mana cost from 35 at all levels to 40 at all levels
- Cover of Darkness : Cast range reduced from global to 2500
- Added new Silhouette Alt Avatar: Master Assassin Silhouette
- Added new Ravenor Alt Avatar: Storm Demon Ravenor
- Added new Bundle: Shadow Pack
* Get both Master Assassin Silhouette and Storm Demon Ravenor at a discount before release on Tuesday
== General ==
- Trees now sway with the wind
* Zephyr tested and approved!
- The skybox is now correctly reflecting off the water
* This can be disabled/enabled in the options menu
- Herodex simple view has been updated
- Witch Hunter now correctly gains the bonus from Staff of the Master
== Item Balance ==

- Regeneration lowered from 5 to 4.5
== Hero Balance ==

- Quicken : Cast time reduced from 0.3 to 0.2
- Pilfering : Clearvision now lingers for the entire duration of a target being slowed
- Pilfering : Increased the Movement Speed draining from 10/20/30/40 to 15/25/35/45
- Lightning Shackles : Increased the radius from 200/300/400 to 300/350/400

- Vampiric Flight : Lowered cooldown from 22/18/14/10 to 16/14/12/10
- Terrorize : Reduced cast time from .3 to .25

- Moon Beam : Stun has been increased from 0.6 to 1

- Disarm : Cooldown decreased from 20/16/12/8 to 14/12/10/8
- Disarm : Critical strike increased from 1.25/1.5/1.75/2.0x to 1.4/1.6/1.8/2.0x

- Dark Blades : Base Damage % reduced from 50/60/70/80 to 35/50/65/80
- Taint Soul : Increased Mana cost from 35 at all levels to 40 at all levels
- Cover of Darkness : Cast range reduced from global to 2500
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